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Julie Spalding

International Psychic,

Medium & Clairvoyant

Official Website



Tapping into your intuition and your spiritual self

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Psychic / Medium Workshops

Have you ever thought that you may be psychic or maybe you think that you could be a medium?  All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums. The best way to describe the difference between a psychic and a medium is to say that a psychic picks up on information concerning this world, which could also relate to a person’s past, present and future.  A medium connects to a person who has passed to spirit, (passed to the next life or after life.)                     

It is my belief, as both a psychic and a medium, that most of us have these abilities to some degree. It’s like swimming; how do you know whether you can swim if you never get in the water? There are some people who are natural born swimmers, but even if they are not, most people can still learn to swim and with practice and someone with the right experience to guide them, they will become better, stronger swimmers. I believe that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. 

I enjoy helping people to explore their psychic and spiritual potential, on all levels, from beginner to master. It’s always a pleasure to work with people who are just as enthusiastic about what I do as I am. It’s great to see them grow as they learn about the psychic and spiritual realms and how we are all interconnected. It’s even better seeing people’s reactions as they learn how to open up to the energies of others and their excitement when they realise that they can do a reading and get accurate information. 

In my professional opinion the best way to learn is to attend a workshop. I believe it’s better to learn with someone to guide you, (face to face) and you have the opportunity to practice what you are learning. If you would like to receive notification, when I have spaces on one of my workshops, please sign up to my newsletter and I will notify you in due course. (I will never pass on your details to anyone else.)

I shall look forward to meeting you at one of my workshops soon.


Please Note

Guidance only as psychic ability & mediumship have not been proven.

You must be 18 years or over for any of our services.

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